Oh, and I almost forgot to say how fabulous Friday was. Yup, had em standing in line to talk to me. No really! I think I finally proved I can hold my own as a writer, so now they all want me to fix up their lines in English. Take a number baby, take a number. Actually, its nice to have impressed a few people, but its nicer that I impressed myself a bit. I wrote some lines I was kinda proud of, and I feel like maybe my headline skills are starting to catch up with my concept skills. Bout time! Okay, so we got three new briefs, two of which were due by the end of the day. The first one, for Duetsch post, I was kinda pissed about because I didn’t get briefed in until after I’d already rewritten a bunch of lines for another writer. No fair giving me less time. But at the end of the day, there were four writers, they narrowed it down to 7 lines, and hells bells three of them were mine. So there. Okay, we also got this funny little piece – basically doing the writing for someone elses concept, but still – where we needed to create a monologue for a guy stressed out about work, and he curses a lot. Moi? Curse? Well, okay, but only cause its for a charity client.
But the best part of Friday was the brief for the Festival06 – we are doing all the ads, stunts, and pr for the street football league festival at the World Cup. SO COOL! There are 24 teams in the league, and in each country it’s a little different, but mostly street football got its start as “football for peace” and as a way for disadvantage youths to get themselves off the streets. Anyway, I love it and I have a million ideas already. Plus, street soccer? How bad ass is that? These guys are so hard core, that fields are too soft. I can’t wait to see how the work turns out!
Rock on!