Saturday, October 01, 2005

Day 2
Today’s experience – soccer. 4th league match, tie game. It is much more fun to watch in person than on TV. You can see the players as people, and appreciate their extraordinary talent, instead of as, well, players showing off for fun. Also, the ball! Flying spinning speeding – I can’t think of a word fast enough to describe how it moves. It’s almost a vertical orbit, arcing over the field, twirling around its own axis - the ball itself radiates joy for the game.
However, now is not a good time to be writing. I am cranky. I am cranky over not having seen our apartment, over having to sit while everyone caters to the American guest, over not being able to explore because of the rain, over having to ask Guenduez to translate so I can find the bathroom… grrrr…..


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