This just in... from now on, demonstrated grape peeling ability will be required for all Cabana Boy applicants. Yes folks, we have confirmation that I am alergic to any and all skins on fruits. Seriously. And may I be the first to say... THIS SUCKS! From now on, the simple summer joys of spitting watermelon seeds are over for me. I am doomed to a certain fate of baking apples, boiling plums, peeling grapes, popping che... you get the idea. I am not happy.
the head chef position is taken, but there is always room for another cabana boy.
and may i ask again, who are you people visiting my blog? i haven't posted in three months, yet this site gets action every day!!!
also, if you are wondering what i am up to, the best thing to do is email me. i don't go on IM, i can never find my phone, and i'm only toying with the idea of committing to this blog again. if you've got the info, make contact.
later :) La
I check it now and again. It's on my blog favorite places, so when I go online I usually go a round in there and check to see if anyone posts new. Most people post at least once a seem to post once a year.
Hope all is well.
A hug and a kiss...
8:24 PM
kisses joe! you're the bestest.
8:50 AM
I've been meaning to try out a new baked apple recipie.
6:17 PM
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