Friday, April 21, 2006

So, its like 2 am and i'm wide awake, on day five of this ridiculous cold, so all of you lucky fools are getting a new blog post. Speaking of which, who the hell are you people? Now that I don't post, this site gets more hits than ever. Somebody needs to explain that one...

Right, so here's whats on my mind today. We the people need a little intervention on our gas guzzling problem. Now, I say this as someone about to inherit a thirsty old SUV, and I don't have any grand solutions, just a few little ones worth thinking over. First of all, I don't know anyone who carpools anywhere anymore. It's always all about the quick getaway, or the last minute arrival, or the freedom to not have to commit to picking up or dropping off or showing up with someone who's not actually that good a friend. Get over it! Carpool! Its a great place to talk, and listen to music, and whatever else. Or try taking public transit once in a while. As soon as you all had a paycheck, you had to get some wheels. Puh-lease. like any of you reading this blog is going to be able to afford gas this summer. And can I tell you how much I love public transit? LOVE IT. Since I was sixteen, I've been rocking the T. Talk about independence... All I need are my own two feet and the change in my pocket, and I can go anywhere in the world. I've seen London, Berlin, San Fran and everywhere else through the window of a bus. The rest of you have been busy with car payments, insurance payments, gas payments and whatever else. Bus scheduals are free, yo.

Okay, so what about gas needs beyond personal transit. How does your food get to the store? How does the shower get hot? Does the mail get there so fast? FUEL baby. This summer, try out a local farmstand, or better yet, try growing a few veggies of your own. Try using a less electicity while the days are longer. Plan ahead so you don't have to overnight your portfolio to an agency in California the day after somebody actually answers one of your phone calls... okay, pinch me and call me a hypocrite. I'm no better than anybody reading this. But I want to be. oh, i want to have the answers, and to be able to share them. I want us each to be able to find that small change we can make, that empowers are to start making real changes. I want to fix this for all of us, and not just because its way to late and i'm full up on cold medicine.

well, i suppose this post is a little more ramble-y than usual, but i'd like to end on a happier note. I went to watch the marathon last weekend, and it was excellent. Here, in no particular order, are the coolest things seen from my perch on heartbreak hill:
- two running elvi (thats the plural of elvis, i beleive)
- the amazing wheelchair racers
- the biggest beruit competition ever
- my boyfriend eating like, 3 hotdogs and two hamburgers in an hour
- the cheering fans (loud girl next to me yelling: Hey Red Shirt, you own this hill! Hey Minnesotta, Welcome to Boston!"
- the 6 foot iguana
- pretty much everything :)

time for more meds. sweet dreams then! -La


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