Saturday, October 08, 2005

Day 9 – Saturday – Pimp my Fahr Rad
Went and got a cell phone, finally! After running around to a bajillion stores, decided to ditch the UK one and get a German one. Ran errands on Karl Marx strasse with Guenni and his dad, and then went to hang out at their house for a while. Spent a good hour watching TV with Guenni’s dad while everybody else cooked. It was cute, we’d watch the news in English for a while, then for a while in Turkish. Back and forth. I think he realized I was a little bored, so her turned on MTV for me. It’s the only other English channel, but I’m pretty sure “Room Raiders” is torture in any language. It was a nice gesture though. Guenni’s brother Oz came over to join us. Not only does he speak English, but he’s just as cool as Guenni. Pimp my Ride came on, which of course I love. But it gets even better… The german version came on next… Pimp my Fahr Rad- Pimp my Bike! How friggin awesome! They trick out these lowriders, and its every bit as ridiculous as the original. Of course its in german and I can’t understand, but still… I love it on principle.

Broke fast with Guenni’s family for Ramadan, with really delicious Turkish breads and soups. Zea gute!

(I have no idea if I spelled that right…)


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