Okay, so I have been trying my hardest to take pictures that inspire oohs and ahhs. Apparently that is going to take a little more time…. But below are a few to start with. So the past week and a half, I have been putting my writing talents to good use by gluing packing peanuts together. Seriously. The next time I have a great idea, remind me not to.
As I mentioned, Guenni and I had a cool ambient idea for DHL. Our CD's love it. They want to send it to Cannes. Now we just have to shoot it. make. it. perfect. we've done like four photo shoots already and we still don't have a single shot that is right. ("Lighting is too harsh. I can't see the logo. This angle sux. I changed my mind... " Arg!) Also, this seemingly brilliant idea involves packing peanuts. A lot of them. So last Tuesday, we spent most of the day chasing them down a windy street, and trying to convince preschoolers not to eat them. Wednesday we glued them all to cardboard. Thursday we discovered spray mount eats through styrofoam. Friday it rained so we couldn’t shoot. THANK GOD. Then Sunday we had to rake an entire playground in order to make the background of the shot clean. This project is going to be the end of me. Seriously.
In good news,I asked my friend Monica to art direct a headline campaign I wrote. She used to work at Vivienne Westwood in London, and since it is a fashiony campaign I though she would be perfect. Thankfully, she agreed, but it wasn't until after she did that I saw her book. Oh My God... she is friggin awesome. Our CD is totally wasting her talents. And her style is so totally perfect for the campaign. Bonus that since she is doing it... I don’t have too! YES! Oh the joys of being a copywriter. Plus, all she keeps getting at work is shitty logo assignments, so she is like, omg, real headlines, a real brief, yay! She actually wants to do it, she's not just doing me a favor. AWESOME! I'm really happy to have her help, she brings a lot to the project. And poor guenni has enough on his plate with all our brilliant ideas from last quarter.
Also, we totally rocked our first presentation for Street Football World. Even the CD thought my headlines were better than his. HA!
Right, so I know it seems like all I talk about is work… But my birthday is less than a week away, and I have a pretty new skirt to wear and Monica and I have plans to get all gorgeous and go out and break a few hearts. So I’ll try to have more “interesting” stories next week. Even though I totally know you find me interesting already, or you wouldn’t still friggin be reading. HA!
Much love, Me.