Nov 23rd –
Fighting my addiction to German chocolate so I’ve switched to oranges. This is my desk.

An update on my relationship with the hair puller: We are actually now past the hair pulling stage (4th grade) and things are picking up a bit – we flew through the “I see you staring at me because I am staring at you too” stage (fifth grade). Which means we are now in the “awkward” stage (sixth grade) where we find lame reasons to talk to eachother (“Did you break the printer?”) and one of us usually says something stupid (usually me). This concerns me, because it means we are approaching seventh grade, and if history repeats it self, this is the stage where Erin C. shows up and asks him out just before I get the nerve too, and then I’ll totally have to watch them not hold hands like all day. What a skank! Okay but the joke is on us ladies, cause he doesn’t come out of the closet til college.
This is getting ridiculous ;)
Pirate eat oranges to prevent scurvy. Arrgh!!!
12:53 AM
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