Saturday, September 03, 2005

Last week, I stopped to count and realized I have been working minimum 70 hours a week, and most weeks more. CRAZY! It doesn't feel like work most of the time though. Guenduez and I have a lot of fun together, and have done some great work. So much so, that we've decided to work together again next quarter... in Berlin!
This was a BIG decision for me. I feel both excited and scared about what I will find there. After weighing all the pros and cons, I do feel it is the right place for me to go. The internship is really a great opportunity - we will be the first "american" team at JVM Berlin, the second office of Germany's best ad agency. Since it is my last quarter, I will have to work doubly hard to finish up my portfolio on time, but I feel confident I can do it. Also, Guenduez is from Berlin. I can trust him and his family to help me get acclimated, and to take care of me if I have any trouble. What better way to see a city than to live there with such a close friend!
Additionally, over the past 9 months of living and working with German students, I've come to realize how little I know about Germany today. It is awkward to articulate. But I’ve come to realize that while three months in Berlin does not seem like the obvious choice for a nice american jewish girl, when I think about how much I have to learn there, it really does.
So, a week left in London! It seems I just got settled in. I will be very sad to leave this city, and Saatchi as well. I can't say I've made a lot of friends, but the ones I have made I truly cherish. The vibe at the agency is really positive - I did a lot of great work there, and really got to know lots of people on the creative team. Everything I came to do, and more.


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