(mikkel, guenduez, lauren, susan...photo by nicole...from our first house party!)
Here is what I learned about Denmark today:
There are three parts to Denmark: the main part, the island in the water that is connected to the north sea, and Greenland. Copenhagen is the capitol, it is on the Island.
About 6 years ago they build a bridge from Copenhagen to Sweden, and now the two countries share even more in common. It only takes 15 minutes on a high speed boat, if you don’t take the bridge.
Copenhagen has about 1.5 million people. Denmark has about 5.5.
Denmark is not far from Germany.
The only famous band from Denmark is Aqua. (Barbie Girl) (ouch)
There is a cool part of Copenhagen, that is autonomous and I’m not sure why, but in recent years the right wing government is trying to police it and causing problems there. Its also in one of the most beautiful parts of the city, and tourists seem to like it.
Many of the Danish think the Netherlands are very smart with their progressive government, but overall the country is to chicken to try to do the same.
My favorite Danish export is my friend Mikkel, who has offered to show me around in September.